US firm donates 5 million face masks to Ho Chi Minh City
RAAS Nutritionals Company gave away nearly five million N95 face masks worth more than US$1.5 million
RAAS Nutritionals Company gave away nearly five million N95 face masks worth more than US$1.5 million
He took his son to a medical center and was infuriated after a health worker reminded him to put on a face mask
The owner of the facility said he had bought defective face masks from multiple places in Ho Chi Minh City
Officers had to tackle the man and brought him to the nearby police station
The elderly man has been fined for failure to wear a face mask and may be charged for obstruction
The 31-year-old man has been fined VND4 million (US$174)
Traffic police will levy a fine of VND1-3 million (US$43-130) on violators
She insisted that there is no pandemic going on in Vietnam and that police have lied to local residents
She refused to comply with the rule despite being reminded by security guards
About 200 people in the capital were booked for failure to wear face masks in public every day from May 1 to 12