Vietnamese province proposes renovating volcano crater reservoir for island’s domestic water supply
The reservoir has been primarily used for agricultural purposes
The reservoir has been primarily used for agricultural purposes
The ancient salt field is located in the heart of Sa Huynh Culture (1000 BC–200 AD)
The unlikely bond between a Vietnamese toddler and an Italian donor exemplifies the triumph of compassion over adversity
About 20 kilograms of narcotics was discovered washing up on a beach in Quang Ngai Province
An official believed that the woman had committed suicide due to financial problems
The country’s biggest pulp mill will be releasing its wastewater into the sea when put into operation next year
Garbage has not been collected on the streets over the past two days
They had been missing for two days
Heavy downpours have prompted authorities in Quang Ngai to evacuate more than 800 households
The pool was approved for both civilian and military use